The Crimson Five series

The Messiness of Writing

Hey all,

I had a different post planned for today. It’s a topic I’m sure you guys will be interested in at some point. But right now, it’s still only halfway written. No matter how hard I tried this week, I just couldn’t find the pockets of time to finish it. I’m on a deadline with my Pop the Bronze Balloon pass pages and that has to come first. Plus, with everyone home all the time right now, blogging is difficult to fit in. I guess that’s how writing goes sometimes! Life gets in the way and we must juggle a lot of things… just to get it done.

And then this morning, a new topic dropped in my lap—one that pretty much has written itself.

Almost a year and a half ago, I did my first podcast on the platform, MY MESSY MUSE. It’s a kidlit podcast hosted by children’s author (and now publisher!) Michele McAvoy. The podcast was new at the time. My interview was Episode #6! But now, MY MESSY MUSE has 45 episodes and is still growing. If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll check it out. It’s a fantastic series where Michele talks with all kinds of kidlit people: authors, editors, agents, teachers, librarians, and more. Plus, the theme is one we can all relate to: Writing can be messy sometimes. Very messy! I love listening to the episodes because it’s great to hear I’m not alone in the messiness and because each episode is full of really great kidlit related content. Besides, Michele is a super, fantastic host. You’ll want to hear her take on all of the great topics she shares too! More info on Michele and her books can be found here.

So today, I’m linking the podcast interview I did with Michele back in January, 2019. She reposted the original episode on her Instagram account earlier today, which is where I got the idea. And since my last few posts have dealt with finding an agent, I thought it would be timely for this week as well. At the time of the interview, Spin the Golden Light Bulb had been out for a year and Flip the Silver Switch was practically a newborn! I talk about my writing inspiration and process, my messy road to publication, and share some inspiring thoughts for writers.

I listened to the whole episode today—something I haven’t done again since Michele sent me the link when it first went live. It’s always kind of cringy listening to ourselves, don’t you think?! I can tell by listening, just what a whirlwind time that was, but I remember the phone call with Michele like it was yesterday. It was so fun chatting about books and writing. I hope you’ll listen to it and take away some inspiration. Just try to ignore my long-winded answers, okay?! It was my first go at doing a podcast! I hope you’ll listen to some of the other episodes too when you get a chance. They’re so helpful and worth the time.

To listen to the podcast, click here.

Thanks for reading, everyone. I hope your weekend is full of sunshine, maybe a little bit of writing… and not a bit messy!

Photo by Michele McAvoy

2 thoughts on “The Messiness of Writing”

  1. I just listened to it–so many challenges you went through to get it published and now the news ones. So amazing.

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